Our presence matters a lot and more and more, that's why it is very important to take care of our hands and keep our nails long and strong.

Many times our nails are destroyed, we bite them, we hit them, we weaken them with nail polish, they break, they become layers, they are uneven, a million things; but we must not forget that a good nail care is very important when we are in front of someone, there are even people who dedicate more care to their hands and nails than to their makeup.

 We must know that nails are a protection against our fingers. Nails contain bacteria that accumulate throughout the day, especially under the nails, so a good daily hygiene of these is a must.

Now I am going to tell you how to make a nail polish to keep your nails long and strong and help them grow.

What do we need to have long and strong nails?

Clear nail polish, any nail polish.

Lemon juice (10 drops)

1/4 clove of garlic.

Colorless or white iodine (available in pharmacies) (10 drops) (If you can't find white iodine, soak your nails in apple cider vinegar, but don't put it inside the polish).

The first thing you should do is to leave a little hole in the clear polish, mix first the iodine (if you have it), then the lemon juice, then chop as much garlic as you can, and add it to the polish. Finally stir it well and let it stand twenty-four hours.

Ways of use:

Apply a layer of colorless nail polish every day for fifteen days, layer upon layer. Remove the polish every three days and apply a new coat.

Use the prepared polish as a base for the colored polish.

Remember to keep your nails filed and beautiful, hands are an important part of a person, they seem insignificant but manicured hands with long and strong nails can give you a better image.